Thursday 26 January 2012

is Photography An Art ? Documentary

Find out whether people thinks that photography is an art, through that find out that whether other artist think is photography is an art.

This artist expresses how photography is also science, art and an inspiration.
Through the documentary, i want to find out the situation that is according with what people think of photography. Also would want to get historical and explain how people used to use photography for propaganda.
 As within the Vietnamese war there was many different types of photography taken. they used that photograph to show the life's in the war. Yet now in our times people think that photograph and other types of war photography as a form of art.

The main point of this documentary is to show that people take photographs to allows us to express our feeling and emotions. Yet others thing that it isn't the same as art, where the painter/ artist expresses colours as their emotions, other then technology.
Would be making interviews with other artists who do photography and also artist who do art.
Also Public Survey, which could answer the question of the documentary, to get the public verdict about photography. Find out the main purpose of photography and why it existed and how people used think about it before. E.G. Alan Briot.

Have a Beginning , Core and Finnish for the documentary.
Go to other parts of Britian to expand the project.
Visit galleries to see if there are photography galleries and find out what the people think or see when they see photography and art.
Explain the different views within photography whether people find it as an art.
Do a Survey Or A Questionnaire which would find out what the public think.
 - Questionnaire should be let out to all ages.
What Different Types Of Photography there is,
Street Photography
Artistic Photography
Fashion Photography
Action Photography
Glamor Photography
Underwater Photography
Art Photography
^ Different types of photography but how do they effect the view people have on photography and how people might not think its an art?

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