Monday 28 May 2012

Issues in Factual Programming

Within the media society, there are many producers facing factual programming issues, which will impact on their work. There are many different types of factual programming issues, so within this assignment I will be evaluating the issues.  Few of the issues are:  accuracy; balance; impartiality; objectivity; subjectivity; opinion; bias; representation; access; privacy; contract with viewer. 

' who ever controls media controls the mind'


This is the 1st topic which i will be analysing and researching the issue facing the producers in factual programming. Accuracy is very important in factual programming as the information given would depend on that factual programming being able to still run because as million of people are going to be watching this, the producer would have to carry out research and the right information so that the producer allows the audience to gain more knowledge of that specific subject, however if they don't carry out research and take the information from elsewhere they would need to pay a specific amount to the person/organisation they took it off. How ever much information or how little information they take, the producer would have to pay an amount for the information they took.

From my own research i have found out that:

The information above implies that when producers are getting information, they most make sure that the information itself is correct and it not out of date, because it would be inappropriate if the producer gives false information to the audience, also from section 3: accuracy within the BBC explains how its very important issue to them that if the information given out is accurate, because this could affect the audience personally as well. The producer must take full concentration on the issue, as this is very important for factual programming because the information given can be inappropriate or appropriate, so when the producer themselves are finding information they most look at other information to see whether the information they collected is appropriate because for example if the producer is making a factual programme about health, the information given most be accurate and up to date because the information given can affect the audience health risk. 

 Information on the left hand side explains how legal actions are going to be taken place if any of the information thats has been given is false or isn't correct. As this would affect the audience plus also would affect the government because within this society many people would believe in what the media would be telling them. So the accuracy of the factual programming would mean that they most not use archive material which implies one different subject to illustrate another in way the audience is seeing something else, wouldn't be right on the audience point of view.

Wednesday 9 May 2012


The whole purpose of this documentary is so that the audience can see whether photography is a form of art. There weren’t any special effects added to the video, because I would want a more realistic atmosphere being given rather than this documentary being just for entertainment. I’ve had different interviews within the documentary so that there is a visual understanding of who is speaking and what they are. I asked the question to the public and those within my 6form. The ages which I asked are both relevant to the documentary audience and the age which people would be able to have their own opinion on situations like this. Personally the target age is 16 and above as these ages are the time, which people would be able to have a mind of their own. So when the documentary is being played, the audience would also have able to have their own opinion about the subject being held, as the documentary has a balanced argument.

This scene is at the start, I’ve added the name of the documentary and added the question of the documentary, so that the audience would be able to know what the documentary would be about. The start of the video was difficult for me to start, as I wanted the audience to engage with the documentary. So the whole concept of having a camera appearing 1st would also let the audience have a visual understanding of the video. But also it’s to show the unique elements of the video, as when the scene changes the camera does flick and light. This type of affect was made so that it would allow the audience to see how photographs are taken. As the video starts, the camera steps back, this was used so that it can create affection, which would be moving at the pace of the music and would show the audience a visual understanding of the subject itself. After this clip there is a black screen where written of what photography does and what art creates. I’ve done this so that the audience would have a little knowledge of the differences of both subjects. But also so that the audience has a brief understanding of what the documentary will be about.

This part, is added so that the audience can see how photography is used, the way the photographer takes a photograph of art, lets the audience see the difference of both subjects. But when the photographer took a photo, the next clip shows a real view of what the camera took, so the audience can see the resembles of art. As people can draw the item which is affront of them, yet also people can take a photograph of the product/subject affront of them. But the image itself which is taken by a photographer can also create feelings and a story much like art. So within both scenes I would describe them to collaborate what photography can create.

Within all scenes of the documentary, there are interviews with the segmented target audience, this would be students who study or have interest in either photography, art or both. This would help the audience to get balanced arguments and balanced opinions on the subject. So within all interviews the people and professionals are allowing the audience to understand the differences and similarities within art and photography. So for this documentaries the interviews, show realistic facts and opinions so that the audience would be able to rely and trust the information being given.

The below screenshot shows, a glimpse view of the video i have converted and used from youtube within my video, the reason why I choice this specific video is that this video,shows someone taking photography of people, so this would allow the audience to see the type of things or skills it takes to "take a photograph. But also this i choice this specific video because i thought it would be appropraite to the subject.

There are scene where there are voice overs. Some voice overs would need to improved as they are very hard to understand, this would make the audience find it hard understand what the voice over is saying, this could affect the audience understanding of the whole production.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Photography Documentary

Mode of Documentary

Documentaries are splits into six different types of modes

Poetic Documentary -
This type of documentary doesn't have actual people being interviewed. This type of documentary has a impressiontic, lyrical tone compared to other documentaries. A poetic documentary has rhythms and spatial juxtaposition of exploring a specific project, however it opens up possibility of alternative form of knowledge of a subject straight away.

Expository Documentary -
This type of documentary addresses the viewers directly, with titles or the voice over. It advances an argument of a specific subject, this type of documentary arose and distracts the audience by entertaining qualities.  Images and verbal commentary are used so that the audience have a knowledge of the subject.

Observational Documentary-
Observational Documentary is used in order to have that everyday like feeling within the documentary. This type of documentary is used to have a indirect address, speech overheads and sounds so that the audience can have a different type of understanding of the subject.

Participatory Documentary-
This type of mode engages with the documentary, for example the filmmaker may be within the video. it allows the filmmaker to account for past events and witness. This would be like documentaries like and watch dog. Paranoma. There are footage of absent and previous events within the documentary.

Reflexive Documentary-
This type of mode engages with the audience in a way to get sympathy, empathy and emotional feelings from the audience. This mode express a scene where both the director and the audience. it uses different strategies to get the viewers attends to device as well as effect.

Performative Documentary-
 Such as reflexive documentary, this raises question about knowledge of the subject.
however this would be a form of where the characters would be acting to get the visual understanding of the subject , for example The Story of The Prophet Muhammed swt. The people aren't actually here, however the knowledge is still within, so people would act, in order to get the visual understanding of the subject.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Factual Programme

The whole development of this idea, was to inform people about the difference and similarities within photography and art. Within the documentary, the concept of the idea is that the audience to have a wide range of views within the differences and similarities within photography and art. 
Photography is the art or practice of taking and processing photographs. Photographers use photography to capture emotions and feelings. But also photography is used as a technology to take a photo of a object. There is many different types of photography shoots, which some people may find as art, however their is also other photography which isn't recommended as art.
Art is The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, so within this documentary, we are exploring both sides of the argument.  

The target audience for this documentary is people who are above the age of 16 who enjoys Art, Photography or both. The reason why i choice this type of audience, is because they would be able to understand the whole concept and they would have their own opinion and knowledge of the subject. The advantage of that particular target audience is so that they would also gain more knowledge of similarities and differences between the both subjects. 

Monday 19 March 2012

Genre Of Documentary

The Genre of the Documentary

Its mainly a discussion and my own special interest. This documentary answers a question which the viewers themselves and the interviewers would be able to think and have their own opinion on. 
Within this documentary, it helps the audience to understand the concept of the subject, but also to gain knowledge of the subject which  i would be taken place.
This documentary is about 'Photography' and the discussion would be talking about whether photography can be considered as a art. 
The factual programme is also there to make the subject more interesting and so that the audience would be more aware of the subject which would be taken place.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


Camera flicks, to show the main purpose of the documentary and what the documentary would be related to.
The title would appear so that the audience would know the whole concept of the documentary is photography.

Sub Introduction-
A glimpse preview of photography being taken of anything within the surrounding.
The picture would than change into the photograph the photographer took.

Interview #1
This interview woudl be by a specilist within teh art departement or the photography department. the interview would be taken outside, so the documentary is more realistic.
The interviewer would be discussing whether he/she consider photography.

Sub Middle
A medium close up shot of an artist object which a photgrapher is taken , then zoom out so that the audience see the photographer is taken the photo. Then it would change to another scene where the photo the photographer took appears into the screen, so the audience can have glimpse of how art it self can still look like art with a photograph.

Interview #2
This would be by any person walking around the streets, which i would be asking whether they consider photography art or where they think that it isnt an art.
Whatever i have gathered i would be trying to keep a a balanced point.

 public walking around, in the city centre. while this is being played, there would be a voice over so that the audience can understand the baise of the documentary and how photography is used. There also would be a view of someone taking photographs of public areas, because they are fascinated by it. The voice over would be asking question which would keep the audience thinking.

Interview #3
This interview would be answering from both sides so that the audience would get a more balanced view of the subject, but also for the audience to question themselfs.

nterview #3
This would be from a photographer or someone who is learning about photography. They would be answer whether they consider photography an art, and how that can be valued to the audience and the whole world of art itself. They would be taking about the different types of photography shoots which can be applied as art and how art and photography both express emotions and feelings.
Middle #2
This would be photography and art which would be dissolving and moving along aside each other, so that the audience can see the similarity within both of the subjects and the voice over would be explaining what the whole scene would be about and how they can be both similar.
Sub End
This would be about social networking and how people take photographs of themselves and can that be related to art or is it a different type of photography.
Interview #4
This interviewer would be disagreeing with the whole concept and would be taking about whether they consider photography an art and why?
Interview #5
This interviewer would be given a balanced view of the whole documentary, explaining that different types of photography can be related to art although some can’t be related to art. This interviewer would give a balanced argument to make the audience more aware of the similarity.
Sub End #2
This would be a title to ask the audience a question so that they can think about the whole concept of the documentary, or whether they consider photography an art themselves after getting information from different types of audiences.
This would be a video taken from YouTube of a person taken photographs of people walking around in the streets of Tokyo. Fast forwarded to give a more exciting mood.

Monday 20 February 2012

Images of Photography

 These images personally they all are expressing different emotions and they are art. These images are showing my whole concept of photography being art, for example image 1 can be drawn, yet its used by a camera.

Thursday 9 February 2012


The type of questions going to be ask would be simple: Yet bias.
So that every point being made would be different and could be referred in everyones point of view.
The interview would be asked to so many people, even by passers in the streets.
This would let people who are watching the documentary get a more wider point of view, in order to get the right answer for the documentary. The main question would be " Is Photography Art?" that would be asked all across the documentary, also as this is the main issue within the music video. There would be different shots of people answering the question from "yes to no", there also would be some people explaining why it is.
The other types of question going to be asked is "what is photography to you (personally)?" this would be asked for photography professionals, but also those who own photography galleries. The question also would be asked in Art galleries and to see what the difference is.
The Other main type of question going to be asked is " is there a difference between art and photography?" this question would be answered by professionals such as artist, local art galleries in Coventry, and Photography Galleries in London.
In your own opinion do you think photography is art? would a question which i might ask, because i would only have 5 min duration, which means ii would have to be careful in the timing.
what does photography do? would also be a question which i might ask, because i have less time to take this video. Is photography a more easier and flexible way of creating a picture?. Within this answer i would want to get an answer which would help me understand if this art is just used because of people are lazy.

Monday 30 January 2012

what insiprates me ?

What inspires me is fashion, photography, faith, poems and art.

Through my life i tried to find out my own identity and who ii am.
By being with different types of social groups ii realized that's the dislikes and likes ii like within what these types of groups enjoy. As in a young age not having a father to grow up, i have found it hard to understand men, yet knowing i have a brother older then me. All he used to do was hold me and protects. Yet growing up now, our chemistry is much stronger. Now living with my father, my intelligence has increased. Although within my life my mother was my friend, mother and my soul. Seeing what she went through in Somali and what i am going through, am understanding how before life was more extract and hard. Whereas now life is smooth and many things have changed and they wouldnt understand the structure of life now!!
However, growing up ii realized what ii enjoy and things that always get me attracted yet excited in a way. When topics like fashion, photography, faith comes up. i feel as if i can express myself. knowing how my parents are old fashioned, wanting me to study doctor, law, dentist, nursing or accounting.
Yet them types of jobs are only good if i wanted to be filthy rich. But fashion, photography, faith, poems will sow who i am. whereas a doctor your being ordered to do things, but in the other hand photography you are controlling the order or position of life.
My 5 main topics is also there to raise awareness in politics, religion, beliefs etc....... Yet some people don't think that these topics would help people understand the way of life.
When people want to get peoples interest or attention they use these types of topics to get there attention, because as the years are changing the peoples minds also change. For the reason being the use of technology has increased. 

As technology has changes, people would want bright lights, colours and things moving fast to get their attention, as now within this generation people get bored easily. So that's why the government/ politics uses media, photography and lectures to raise awareness in a particular topic.

As faith is hard to mix with fashion.... you can still express yourself. Clothing also is way to show off your personality, as people dress to impress and others dress to express. So if clothing is a way of people expressing themselves, how can other types of things such a poems, photography and art known as..... ?

Thursday 26 January 2012

is Photography An Art ? Documentary

Find out whether people thinks that photography is an art, through that find out that whether other artist think is photography is an art.

This artist expresses how photography is also science, art and an inspiration.
Through the documentary, i want to find out the situation that is according with what people think of photography. Also would want to get historical and explain how people used to use photography for propaganda.
 As within the Vietnamese war there was many different types of photography taken. they used that photograph to show the life's in the war. Yet now in our times people think that photograph and other types of war photography as a form of art.

The main point of this documentary is to show that people take photographs to allows us to express our feeling and emotions. Yet others thing that it isn't the same as art, where the painter/ artist expresses colours as their emotions, other then technology.
Would be making interviews with other artists who do photography and also artist who do art.
Also Public Survey, which could answer the question of the documentary, to get the public verdict about photography. Find out the main purpose of photography and why it existed and how people used think about it before. E.G. Alan Briot.

Have a Beginning , Core and Finnish for the documentary.
Go to other parts of Britian to expand the project.
Visit galleries to see if there are photography galleries and find out what the people think or see when they see photography and art.
Explain the different views within photography whether people find it as an art.
Do a Survey Or A Questionnaire which would find out what the public think.
 - Questionnaire should be let out to all ages.
What Different Types Of Photography there is,
Street Photography
Artistic Photography
Fashion Photography
Action Photography
Glamor Photography
Underwater Photography
Art Photography
^ Different types of photography but how do they effect the view people have on photography and how people might not think its an art?

Thursday 19 January 2012

Documentary Notes

Concrete Circus

Who Said Men Can not Multi-task.
 The Video shows how some people go to extreme levels to express their arts/inspirations within this world. street sports wasn't known from the people, they used to think that the sport was under-grading. These types of games wasn't known, they used to be played underground or in the streets. But now our days people take it serious and has found them as a rare talent.
- Daniel Macaskill is one of the athletes that play these types of game.
- within the places he lives in there isn't any types of streets , so he jumps around the fields and jump onto high places.
- wanted to be better in the type of sport, so he would of made his own playground for mountain biking.
- he doesn't think when riding, he just plays with the bike and just rides it and creates mad stunts with the bike.
- pioneering , its another urban sport. iT is when a person runs and jumps from one direction to another. they do this to just to be free. They did a film named " volume one" they did it so that they can show the amazing art of urban sport.
- Free skating is something created long time ago, it wasnt such a sport but in 2010, it all changed when a boy changed skating to be a part of art. he skates to the music.
- Urban sports is way to express yourself to the way you live life. such as the person can be who they are when skating, biking, style dancing on skates, bikes and also free running like pioneering.
 Flat Land- its a type of street dancing onto the bike.
they make films so that they can express their arts and talents.
it takes hours/days of solidarity arts

Basic Information About Documentary.
One convection of documentary is interviews.
visual understanding of the documentary, ( sets the scene)
clear understanding of the physical understanding, showing how people would see/feeling about a specific topic.
The words/speech are shown within the visual understanding of the video.
there is names/titles to show that people can find this documentary more reliable.
the way the video/shooting is taken is so that the audience can emerge with the documentary.
the way when the narrator/person speaks the "key" words they speak about there are visual showing/understanding of the "key" word so that the people understanding the whole concept of the video.
There are not only one particular person they are asking question or interviewing about, they have lot of ranges of people to ask/interview so that they can complete their whole images of the documentary.
show different angels of the conversations in the documentary.
Shows how they do what their talents or skills are in one shoot.
Also Within the documentary show how the person is living, so that the audience have a full view of their personal life.
Different views/shoots in the video. They show the real emotions onto the documentary/film.
lower angels shoot shows also the depths into the video/documentary.
Introduces different types of people that are relevant within the video.
always have different locations and different types of shoot rather than keeping one type of aim. for example have a little bit of an interview mixed with parts of the documentary.
qucik sharp changes.
at then end show a little of what the documentary is about, the full out look/project of the documentary.
To have Talents or any types of Talent its Art.
Documentary's just are like showing peoples inspirations and ARTICULAR Style.